Är vi beredda på förändring? Panelsamtal 29 januari
Diskussionen om hur vi skapar en större mångfald på våra svenska scener har blivit allt mer aktuell. Ifall scenkonsten är en demokratisk arena bör den också spegla vår befolkning. Många scenkonstinstitutioner utvecklar idag planer för hur de ska öka mångfalden på sina scener och initiativ har tagits för breddad rekrytering till högre utbildningar inom scenkonsten. Inkluderar denna mångfald scenkonstaktörer med funktionsvariationer?
Tillsammans med våra europeiska partners från nätverket Crossing the Line bjuder vi in till ett panelsamtal om hur vi kan arbeta mot en inkluderande scenkonst. Arrangemanget genomförs tack vare vårt samarbetsprojekt finansierat av EUs fond Kreativa Europa.
Hela seminariet hålls på engelska och är kostnadsfritt. (Seminariet kommer att filmas.)
Plats: Moomsteatern, Olof Palmes plats 1, Nobeltorget, Malmö
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Onsdag 29 januari 2020:
14.00-14.50: Academy – and for what?
We gather three of the theatres from Crossing The Line, to talk about how they have chosen to recruit and educate their actors. What challenges do they face and what are their future plans?
Jonathan Meth, project dramaturg for Crossing the Line, will moderate a conversation between:
Petal Pilley, artistic leader of Blue Teapot Theatre from Galway, Ireland. Blue Teapot is a multi-award winning Theatre Company at the forefront of arts & disability in Ireland. They have their own Performing Arts School for people with intellectual disabilities. They will also host the Crossing The Line Festival in May 2020.
Annabelle Mailliez, development officer at Compagnie de l’Oiseau-Mouche in Roubaix, France. Compagnie de l’Oiseau-Mouche is a professional theatre troupe made up of 23 actors with learning disabilities. Each production is the result of an artistic encounter between an invited artist and the actors he or she chooses to involve in their creation.
Per Törnqvist, artistic leader at Moomsteatern in Malmö, Sweden. Moomsteatern has been employing actors with learning disabilities for more than ten years, and working in the field of professional theatre for even longer. Since the higher education system is closed to people with learning disabilities in Sweden, they have found ways of educating actors in-house.
14.50-15.10: Kaffepaus
15.10-16.00: Are we ready for a change?
Moomsteatern wants to be a resource for other theatres to work with inclusive arts. But are other theatres at all interested in being inclusive? As the Swedish art field is working towards a larger diversity on our stages, will this include artists with disabilities? What are the obstacles and possibilities? What structures would need to change?
Kjell Stjernholm, coordinator at Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan and the founder of Moomsteatern, will moderate a conversation between:
Kajsa Giertz, Artistic director & CEO at Helsingborgs stadsteater,
Tanja Mangalanayagam, Project manager Dialog at Skånes Dansteater.
Barbara Wilczek Ekholm, Senior lecturer at Malmö Theatre Academy, University of Lund.
Sandra Johansson, Executive manager at Moomsteatern.
Jonathan Meth, freelance Project dramaturg for Crossing The Line and based at Goldsmiths, University of London.
16.00-16.30: Questions from the audience
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