Creating a theatre academy in Malmö for people with learning disabilities

In January 2021, Moomsteatern and the Care & Support (for people with disabilities) Administration in Malmö city signed an IOP agreement, an Idéburet Offentligt Partnership. The first period of the IOP agreement expired in 2024, but has been extended by two years until 2026. The basis of this IOP is that the city of Malmö starts up a new daily activity within LSS, for seven participants with a focus on theatre. This has been named TeaterAkademin. The Care & Support Administration in Malmö has opened the care center in a new location that is geographically close to Moomsteatern, which enables participants to easily move between the two companies.

Moomsteatern and TeaterAkademin sets up long-term and short-term planning together. This planning aims to create a basic knowledge among the participants about what the acting profession entails, as well as give the individuals the chance to develop their skills as actors.

Creating a clear structure for collaboration between Moomsteatern and TeaterAkademin means that participants get the time they need to develop at their own pace, as the time needed for such development varies greatly from individual to individual. An important aspect of the collaboration is to enable the recruitment of actors with disabilities. During their time at TeaterAkademin, the participants will have the chance to learn what they need to be able to work in the professional performing arts. The long-term goal is that both Moomsteatern and other theaters will be able to turn to TeaterAkademin when they are looking for actors with learning disabilities, in order to build a more inclusice theatre sector.