Moomsteatern actor Niclas Lendemar wins the Region Skåne Art Award

The yearly Art’s Award from Region Skåne promotes the development of the art sector in Skåne by highlighting and rewarding the contribution of individuals to the renewal and development of cultural life through artistic creation in the broadest sense.

The Art’s Award is awarded to a person currently active who, in their artistic creation, contributes to renewing and developing cultural life in the region. The person must have a connection to Skåne. The award can be shared between a maximum of two people and the prize sum is SEK 100,000.

The award in 2022 goes to actor Niclas Lendemar

Region Skåne’s Art Award 2022 highlights an actor with strong stage presence and a unique ability to convey emotions. He has portrayed many different characters, where the feeling and not the word is the focus. At the same time, he has been at the forefront of increasing representation and inclusion on our stages and is a role model for both audiences and future actors.

Region Skåne’s Art Award 2022 goes to the actor Niclas Lendemar at Moomsteatern, who challenges preconceived notions and viewpoints and contributes to the development of performing arts in Skåne and the world.